Six-term US Representative from Minnesota Gil Gutknecht writes on Townhall that the Jeep Super Bowl ad reflected an America that will not only re-elect President Trump to a second term, but will stand up in a wave to hand him a 45-state slam dunk victory.
All elections boil down to fairly simple questions. The next election will not be a matchup between a larger than life Donald Trump and one of the twenty-odd, Left-lurching munchkins. It won’t even be a contest between a Republican and a Democrat (Socialist). It will be a contest between those who love this country and those who don’t.
It’s as simple as that.
Well, Mr. Gutknecht, I hope you’re right on that. What I know you are right about is that it was one fine commercial. Here it is, if anybody missed watching the Super Bowl, as did I:
By the way, I am so going to steal the phrase “left-lurching munchkins”. What a perfect way to describe the pathetic field of losers Trump will be facing. And about your statement…
It will be a contest between those who love this country and those who don’t.
…I have to ask, when has it ever been about anything else?
11 replies on “A 45-state landslide in the offing?”
Well, I guess I better go buy a Jeep.
Dusty in my office today.
Did not watch the whole game so I missed that one.
I love the ad, missed it as well since I don’t watch the Super Bowl. I hope you are right, but I worry about the amount of voter fraud that exists out there, the possibility of illegals voting and the never Trump voters with what they may do. I’m hopeful that Howard Shultz will run as an independent that will split the never Trump voters away from the left leaning democrats.
As long as the economy and jobs stay strong through the next year and half, I think that President Trump stands an excellent chance of re-election, but we will see what more the left will pull out of their bag of tricks.
We also need to be looking beyond 2020, let’s say President Trump wins, that will buy us another 4 years – we need an equally strong candidate in the wings to carry on for 2024, as the left won’t quit pushing their agenda.
We also need to start pushing for a Constitutional amendment to fix our voting system. Our founders left it entirely up to the states to decide how they cast their electoral votes. There are now 11 states plus D.C. that cast their votes entirely based on the results of the national popular vote and are part of a National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. Whether this is Constitutional or not, I don’t know, it appears it hasn’t been challenged. It can still be at the state level, but I believe that the electoral vote needs to be more in line with their individual districts results, NOT the national popular vote.
All of history shows that pure democracy kills. Enough said.
Which 11. I know that CO just did that, but which are the others?
Maryland, New Jersey, Illinois, Hawaii, Washington, Massachusetts, Vermont, California, Rhode Island, New York, Connecticut
So all blue states. How fricking funny if R’s and Ind’s came out in force and those state electors had to cast for Trump.
It “could” happen, would be sooooo funny if it did.
Great post Steve. I sure hope the ones who love America beat out those who don’t.
And I pray that is the case. My fingers are crossed, my heart is engaged, but my ammunition is properly stored just in case.
Your post really touched my heart, Steve. And I hope you are right.