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Best 2nd Amendment argument I’ve heard lately.

From Tara Servatious.

WORD 106.3 Morning Talk Show Host, Greenville, SC

“THE MAIN GOAL OF THE AUTHORS OF OUR CONSTITUTION WASN’T TAUGHT TO YOU IN SCHOOL. When you read the constitutional debate speeches of the founders and the federalist papers, it becomes clear that their main goal was to build a central government that could be overthrown by the people with a minimum level of bloodshed.
It’s almost shocking to read those speeches. These weren’t boring, white-wigged aristocrats portrayed in our history textbooks. These were freedom-loving radicals who hated centralized power. 
The main point of debate among them was not how to build a government that would last or function smoothly … but how best to build one that the people could overthrow. 
The authors of our constitution were revolutionaries themselves who were fresh from battle. They wanted — no expected — the American people to overthrow a government that violated the Constitution they were writing. And they strove to give them every means of doing that by dividing power and granting citizens the 2nd amendment.
They disagreed passionately on how to best divide the power in their speeches, but the main goal — a weak central government from which states and municipalities could easily disentangle themselves — was supported unanimously. 
They wanted a government that wouldn’t accrue too much power and to divide that power and restrain the military (on our soil) so the people would always have the upper hand. At one point, they even debated limiting the size of the military to a fraction of the size of the population to give the population the upper hand. That’s how much they feared a powerful central government.
Your right to own a gun for hunting and self-defense was assumed in these debates. In the 2nd amendment, they wanted to go a step further and make clear the right of citizen-run militias (which they had just used to fight the Revolutionary War), who naturally already owned guns, to use those guns to overthrow an unconstitutional and thus illegitimate government. They wanted to burn into the constitution that this was not an illegal act, but one to which you are entitled. 
There were no liberal gun grabbers among them. They were all in agreement on this point.
They didn’t care about good government, bipartisanship or a positive political climate. They believed these things were impossible.This is why we have a second amendment, and why we won’t have they country they intended if we don’t keep it.”

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