Bill Whittle Now

Democratic Candidates Battle to Be ‘Not Trump’ 2020

Democratic presidential candidates battle to be ‘Not Trump’ 2020. But with a strong economy and relative peace, how can they hope to unseat the incumbent?

Democratic presidential candidates battle to be ‘Not Trump’ 2020. But with a strong economy and relative peace, how can they hope to unseat the incumbent?

3 replies on “Democratic Candidates Battle to Be ‘Not Trump’ 2020”

I have come to believe that before Obama there were Moderates and some reasonable people within the Democratic Party but it should have in 2009 been renamed the New Democratic Socialist (OXYMORON) Party when Obama declared for the “fundamental transformation of America.” One cannot admire, respect be patriotic and/or believe in the principals as envisioned by the Founders and Framers as laid out clearly and precisely in the Declaration of Independence and US Constitution.

The New Democratic Socialists (OXYMORON) are anti-America. The proof has on vivid display with the cast of current characters seeking their Party stand bearer. Once is a Marxist, one is 1/1024th American Indian, one claims to be Spartacus, one degas the desire to destroy Insurance companies, one uses “Beto” to pretend Hispanic connection, one can do basic Math or not insult other groups and ALL have cleanings toward Anti-Semitism. Please don’t forget that a 29 year old member of Democratic Socialists (OXYMORON) for America and a full fledge anti-Semite stand in the wings. Welcoming to the New Democratic Socialist (OXYMORON) Party of America.

This is the modern version of the Hole in the Wall gang that could not shoot straight or ride full saddle is galloping toward you and following them mis the 4 Horsemen of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Well stated gents.
Scott, when these first started I had suggested a PIP view of different cuts. Glad you didn’t listen as the cuts have gotten much cleaner.
Really enjoy this format.

Bill, I agree with you, but want to add one thought for you to consider. Never underestimate the populists that will vote for a woman candidate just to see the “first woman President”.

This “edge” might not be big enough, but we should consider that some people will vote for the novelty.

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