President Joe Biden, in a dynamic, inspiring 3 minute video, announces his plans to “finish the job” he started during his historic first term. (Did you keep a straight face?) Is this the greatest anticlimax in political history?
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28 replies on “Has the Cheering Died Down Yet from Biden’s Historic Re-Election Campaign Video?”
Hear, hear. When you could not care less about other people’s lives, it never occurs to you to do the right thing for the country.
I only disagree with Bill in that Beijing Biden has already made multitudes of “mistakes” which have already killed many people, only they aren’t “mistakes.” Bloodbaths of Americans and allies are precisely what he has striven for. He is also far more morally debilitated than mentally debilitated.
The reason Scott (and many others with whom I have spoken) can say they don’t see the evidence of this huge cognitive decline is that his handlers do a very good job of hiding it and the press helps.
Every time they call a lid at 9am, I am convinced it is because Joe is having a bad day cognitively speaking.
Like Bill – I see quite a bit of what my mom was like the last 6 months. She would have some good periods in days where she was completely lucid and engaged (and engaging). It would last about 1 1/2 hours. If you only saw her during those times, you would not think there was a problem at all.
If you were with her during the bad periods, and that is all you saw, when the frustration of not being able to say what she wanted boiled up and she got angry, you would have questioned my cognitive abilities on not having her in the proper medical facility.
As with most stories, there are usually three sides and the truth is in the middle.
From what I have seen with my own eyes and what I deduce from other evidence, I would say Joe is progressing along with dementia. The fact that the DNC has said no debates tells me it is a well known problem that they will not expose him to during a live debate.
This is borderline criminal behavior. The citizens should be demanding to know the person on the ballot.
Not sure why Kamala has not leaked it yet.
The more presidentish Biden is hidden behind prepackaged videos, the more convinced I am that his cabal is deepfaking his words. It won’t be long before AI will be able to deliver a convincing fake Biden delivering fake words on camera. Then the puppeting will be complete, and they won’t need Biden to prop up any more, dead or alive. Scary times.
I’m actually impressed with how they’ve managed to keep our “Weekend at Bernie’s” president as functional as he is. People with stage 4 dementia, which Sleepy Joe was at his inauguration over 2 years ago, are usually approaching death by now. Whatever meds he is taking give us hope for the future if we get Dementia.
Sadly, they’ve worked well enough for him not to be “retired” yet.
Bumper sticker:
Kamala 2024
At the Children’s day at the White house, he was asked what was the last country he visited. And he didn’t remember it was Ireland. A little girl had to tell him. And his reply was “how did you know that?”
Sad I feel sorry for him. But worse, I fear for us all, should he be re-elected.
Could the release of Joe’s re-election campaign announcement have been timed to coincide with Tucker being removed, so he couldn’t comment on it? Just wondering about that coincidence of timing!?!? More on point however, with the election fix system in place, that is really all the announcement that is needed!!!
Steve: a substitute Joe Biden “growing in a lab in Wuhan or somewhere”
Magical phrasing!!
IDK if you mention a reason why in the video yet, but are you aware you have this in “unlisted video” only on Rumble? Meaning, the only way to find this video, is here on the website. It’s not available by going to either Rumble channel. IDK about The BeastTube.
Also, the last Virtue Signal didn’t make it on both channels again…just fyi. I keep hoping Rumble will fix what ever’s going on with that.
But the good news is, that must mean they now have private channels! Yeah!
I heard nothing unseemly that should not be public, so why is this marked as an “Unlisted Video” on Rumble?
This ass-clown looks even more like Jeff Dunham’s character Walter, and would lose an IQ test against him every time.
F’n pathetic.
Scott is correct in saying that every president has a cabal of people that prop him up. The difference is, Biden doesn’t know who his cabal is. One day it’s Jill. Another day it’s Barry Soetoro. On yet another day it’s a Secret Service agent. He’s in no way responsible for the statements he’s seen to have uttered in that video. He’ll read whatever is put in front of him (before improvising).
Gesundheit, Steve.
Remember when there were people accusing Trump of being a puppet of Vladimir Putin? Yeah, Joe Biden is a puppet of those very same people.
You don’t need a brain to be a puppet. In fact, having a working, usable brain is a handicap for that role.
Joe fits the bill perfectly.
And has for 40 years. Just more-so (less-so?) now. Joe was never smart (cue Fredo voice).
The most obvious mental meltdown for me was the Easter Bunny directing him away from the reporters. I am sure they told him, don’t answer any questions. Who ever was in that costume had to be there just to stop him. The clip Bill is talking about, I saw a few months ago, it is sad that his wife won’t just admit defeat and move on into retirement. I have to guess that his ‘shadow cabinet’ is not ready to release the reins just yet.
My father had dementia caused by multiple mini strokes and one major one.
Some days he was fine, others not. And yes, the longer you talked to him the more “off” he was.
I see a lot of Joe Biden acting just like my father did in his worst days
Are there any fans of old school 98 Rock in Baltimore her ein the room reminded of the old Dwayne Stomp PSA when they watched the Biden* video?
Come on guys, be nice. I thought that his re-election video was one of John Gill’s best finest speeches.
I’m pretty sure that it was Larry Elder who succinctly summed up Biden in one tweet, “Even before the dementia, Biden was just plain dumb.”
Well done. (BTW, Bill, check your audio gain structure. Bit Hot.) Safe travels!!
They tried to tweak in during the Backstage, but it got a bit hot again. Or Bill just got a bit more passionate than usual.
You make a good point about cognitive decline. At first, it is intermittent and sporadic. The person can be having what seems to be a perfectly rational conversation until you realize he/she doesn’t know who you are, where they are, what year it is, and makes reference to the deceased as though they are still alive. The DNC won’t let him debate because they are fearful of the moment when Joe simply wanders off the stage with that blank, open-mouthed look on his face. The rest of us are fearful of the next two years, let alone giving him a chance to “finish the job.” Good slogan. Sounds like a Mafia hit.
‘Finish the job’ in this case is a threat. The point is HE isn’t doing anything, we can only guess who is running the Executive Branch, we only know via the daily hits on our lifestyle that they hate us passionately.
I don’t agree with Scott (which is unusual) that Biden isn’t THAT feeble-minded. He has his good days and bad days, sure – but “they” make sure, or do their best to make sure — that we don’t see these moments.
I sadly absolutely agree with him that they CAN pull this off.
And that is truly frightening.
Between the ballot harvesting, sketchy chain-of-custody, and other “irregularities” along with more than a few voters who can’t see the forest for the trees, you betcha they can pull it off.