Is it just me, or has the inflation that has been occurring in this country since that senile piece of shit took office being ignored now? Has anyone been to the grocery store lately, or had to put gas in their car? Why isn’t this still front page news?
Oh yeah, because the “F’n” democrats are running the show, along with those rino’s on the other side of the aisle. What’s happening in this country makes me sick, and embarrassed to be an American.
The corruption isn’t even hidden any more, it’s right there in plain sight, and it’s sickening. Are any of these shitbags going to be held responsible for what they’ve done? Hunter gets off with less than a slap on the hand, and Trump is being railroaded for an imaginary crime that the current loser in power had been doing for decades illegally.
My wife and I are barely getting by on a monthly basis, while billionaires are paying $250,000 for a chance to be crushed to death so they can say that they saw the Titanic on the bottom of the Atlantic.
The divide between the have’s and the have not’s is getting bigger every year.
When you add it all up, the United States is a massive Cluster f@(k.
Everything that has culminated has been a plan by the radical left for over 100 years starting in the progressive era with its first damage during the Woodrow Wilson Administration. This mess is the sole doing of the left side of the aisle. RINOs are leftists. Conservatives have been asleep and aren’t waking up fast enough.