BW Member Blog

JINO’s, CINO’s and RINO’s Oh My!!!

When hypocrisy isn’t a sin, anything is possible…

JINO’s running liberal media, the DNC, Hollywood, Wall Street and the central banks.

RINO’s running controlled opposition as the RNC, Wall Street and the central banks.

CINO’s running the Vatican (with its free state central bank) and the evangelical churches.

…and one Satan to rule them all from the left part of the political spectrum around the world.

Makes a lot more sense now, doesn’t it?

Think like an evil, communist globalist deadset on total domination…one might say “Dominion” as in voting systems.

They don’t give one whit about you, your family or your life, and they sure as spit wouldn’t think twice about using one of their goons to shoot children in Nashville or to indict President Trump to distract from their upcoming 2024 rig to take full control.

God bless you and yours.  We are winning.  Keep pushing.

3 replies on “JINO’s, CINO’s and RINO’s Oh My!!!”

It sure as hell doesn’t feel like we’re winning. In my opinion, not one single person will be held accountable for what they’ve done to our country.
OUR country, not theirs.They work for us.

If the results of the midterms are any indication; people simply don’t care anymore. I don’t entirely blame them, because the rule of law is on life support and fading fast; but the most disturbing aspect was when I heard that something over 30% of the US population approves of the houseplant administration’s policy perspective.
Now, I have always accepted that a certain number of people in this nation want to see it destroy itself from within; but I would never have believed that number was in double digits, much less one third of the population. (laying aside my belief that most polls are (censored)) Try as I might, however, I cannot imagine another reason for thinking that demented idiot in the Oval office isn’t the most dangerous person on the planet right now.

Apathy and ennui are always a danger. Jeremy seems to think he’s discovered something new about the human condition. None of this is new, which doesn’t mean it’s not bad but historical perspective is important too. There have always been apostates and duplicitous liars. Don’t let the strident rhetoric get you down. As the Brits are fond of saying “Non Illegitimi Carborundum”.

I don’t know that we’re winning though I’m certain we will win eventually. Simply because I’ve read The Book and knowing Who is really in charge I also know how the story ends. One way or another the Left cannot keep exponentially expanding its insane policies. Something consequential has to break eventually.

The real question is how much blood the Evil currently manifesting as the “Left” needs to drink before the ship rights itself again. That Evil will happily and enthusiastically use far Right extremism as it will far Left extremism. America has always been an experiment in balancing the two trying to find the ‘sweet spot’ in the middle and hold onto it. Constitutional Conservatism as described by Buckley is probably the best we can ever hope for but it’s a delicate balance to attain and keep no matter how you look at it.

Things don’t look good at the moment and you’re right, Potato Joe is probably the most dangerous man on the planet at this phase of history. He seems determined, or rather the people running him seem determined, to find the one most unlikely way to cause a nuclear holocaust by sheer ignorance and stupidity. There’s no doubt that’s a hazard but it’s also an extreme situation not easily brought about.

Knowing what I know about this stuff I personally think it would be difficult to cause a global thermonuclear armageddon on purpose and it’s not likely to be something that can be done by ‘accident’. Though it certainly seems like Biden and Co. are doing their damndest in that regard. The more likely scenario is a limited tactical nuclear exchange and that scenario is very possible the way things stand right now.

The immediate challenge is to survive the Biden Administration. If we can do that there’s a light at the end of this tunnel. The big concern of the moment is “Can we make it to that light before ultimate disaster is brought on by the stupidity and incompetence of our current Leftist leadership?”.

The good news is that the worse the Left does, the more likely that ennui and apathy will at least temporarily be overcome. The ‘woke’ are not going to wake up until they feel some pain. The way things are going that pain is looming for them as well as the rest of us.

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