This is an interesting discussion of (in Levin’s words) “…the greatest political scandal, if not in modern history, in all history, and I’m very much a historian.”
This is an interesting discussion of (in Levin’s words) “…the greatest political scandal, if not in modern history, in all history, and I’m very much a historian.”
One reply on “Levin interviews “the Woodward and Bernstein of our time””
“The industry has lost a lot of credibility…” Well, that’s what happens when tabloids become the standard of excellence.
I often speak of the “law of unintended consequences”. I believe the the unintended consequence of the inability of Leftist politicians and media to accept the result of an investigation from their hand picked, attack dog will lead to their utter ruin, and insure Republican victory in 2020 in both, the White House and Congress. It could be decades before the Democrat Party recovers, and will re-emerge as a completely different animal.