Right Angle

Peak Twitter: After 50,000 Tweets, Another Heavy User Shuts It Down

Twitter heavy-user Stephen Green shuts down his Twitter account after 50,000 tweets, thanks to people like Alyssa Milano, and a man who says having his child was his greatest mistake.

Twitter heavy-user Stephen Green shuts down his Twitter account after 50,000 tweets, thanks to people like Alyssa Milano, and a man who says having his child was his greatest mistake.

20 replies on “Peak Twitter: After 50,000 Tweets, Another Heavy User Shuts It Down”

Twitter and FB to me are tools of conflict. They allow a person to make flippant, off-the-cuff emotional remarks without taking time to actually think-through the message or the audience. They also encourage internet trolls and PC cowards, who will say things on social media to people they would never say to that person face-to-face. Finally, they literally STEAL hours and hours from your LIFE, either getting you to spend long minutes commenting on news items (and many fake news items)that non one involved ever sees, or being agitated by the outrage de jour. I think the tools can be useful, but only if you are the user and not the used. Trying to get people to take a no-social-media day seems to put some people into an anxiety attack. It has become a psychological addiction. I think you will be happier without Twitter, Steve.

Steve, the problem was you weren’t using Twitter correctly… The only thing I use Twitter for is NFL, and more importantly Denver Broncos, news… I’ve had Twitter since the beginning and I bet I can count the number of tweets on both hands. I just use it like I used to use RSS feeds.

I was listening, but I didn’t catch what I think is the main reason for the failure of social media. Using Scott’s prayer group as an example, there might be one guy in the group who agrees with the person. He will be outvoted.

On social media, though, there will instantly be 1000 people, from all over the planet who agree with him. Those who might want to help him won’t bother to fight the tide.

The flash mobs that form jump all geographical barriers. Even in a real mob, you only have the radius of word-of-mouth and the megaphone.

Yes, the isolation of the keyboard and the urge to post “muh crazy” so you get attention are issues, but what makes the system fall down is the ability to find all of the people who agree with you, from anywhere, in real-time. The feedback loop is horrendous.

Steve – if you are looking to share some quips with people who will appreciate them and will respond back in a kind way, we are here!

Unfortunately movie references generally only work for guys. I remember the first time my (then) new wife was going out with some girlfriends shortly after we were married. I of course said – you can’t leave, all the plants will die – she gave me the you’re an idiot stare. Ah, well.

I was never on Twitter and totally deleted the Facebook account awhile ago. Boy did that feel good and that task removed that sheeple rock I always felt was on my shoulder. Never was on much since I could not stand the constant dribble from people spouting the leftist mass media propaganda. I always knew that many of the connections were “friends” by “label” only and were just folks you know. Most are NOT your friends. IF you put forth a conservative view you were attacked. I know who my friends are and quite frankly very happy to be around those who think and act like true humans and love this country and what the constitution brings and makes us who we are as a society. While many of us here have not met face to face, yet I believe we would ALL be very comfortable in a gathering together sharing as friends do. A burger, a beer and of course a Vodka for Steve (well ok, Bombay Sapphire for me). Glad to be a part of this community and if there is any hope for this country, it is here. Sadly, I think we are losing by a thousand cuts because it is impossible to be heard over the constant drumming of the MSM leftist tripe into the minds of the majority apathetic, ill-informed and lazy citizens of this country. BW members are obviously excluded from this group. 😉 Sure would be nice to hear some indictments and perp walks of the swamp creatures in DC. So far all talk, no action.

That’s a great idea. I have some virtue that I’d like to signal and no place to do it yet.

Stephen, the good thing about virtue signalling is you don’t actually need virtue to do it. All you need is a self-righteous attitude.

How about these:
In Whiskey & Vodka, there is life;
In Wines, there is truth;
In Beer, there is joy;
In water, there is fish doing terrible things!
Happy Saint Patricks’ to all!

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