
Right Angle: Backstage 07/18/23

Who can list, let alone describe, such a cornucopia of commentary? Who would dare try?

Who can list, let alone describe, such a cornucopia of commentary? Who would dare try?

33 replies on “Right Angle: Backstage 07/18/23”

Regarding rotary phones. A good friend of mine was on a party line, and to limit calls, you would be disconnected after 10 minutes, with warning tones at 3 and 1 minutes. So the challenge was to hang up and redial before someone else could jump on the line.

IRQs and dipswitches… oh the memories. I saw a joke that some kid picked up a floppy disk and said “Oh, you 3d printed a save icon!”

Ah Klavan, that “give it all to the Jews” was a good video.

To go along with the rotary phone bit: some years ago, a niece and nephew discovered an IBM Selectric in the back of a closet. Amazement! Look, Grandma, you press a key and it makes a letter on the paper!

Palm to Face: “I just assumed U.S. would pay for all of it”. Just like NATO, just like Ramstein AF Base and all the other crap that we pay for….

The segment on the Icons that segued into rotary dial phones needs to be cut out and put out there on Rumble and YT as a See What You are Missing vignette for the non-members. That was great.

I completely agree with that idea. One thing you get more of since the rotary dial phone died off…drunk phone calls…lol.

Apropos to another subject. I just watch a podcast with RFK Jr. with Dane Wigington with on our gov’t using military and commercial aircraft salting the stratosphere with aluminium particulates to block out the sun (Bill Gates anyone?). Would you guys investigate this and comment? thanks

Global human population drastically reduced due to accelerated recurrence of ice age. Check.
Mission accomplished.

Whole world returns to a 14th Century level of technology, and the rich elites become monarchs and oligarchs. Check
The plan is a success, our work here is done. </Greens/useful idiots>

One of the ways we all knew that the Climate Change narrative was mostly just a power grab was that they weren’t doing things to decrease CO2 except restricting CO2 production. If they approach it from a truly scientific means of dealing with the issue that didn’t involve decreasing our freedoms by restricting fossil fuels or for boondoggles like wind and solar energy, …, well, …, we might believe their concerns. So, guess what? It’ll never happen.
Besides, hahahahahahaha! What bad could happen?

I get what you mean about not taking photos all the time. About 20 years ago I took a trip with a friend, starting in Colorado Springs (at 3:00 o’clock) then heading counterclockwise up to Wyoming, Oregon, California, Arizona, New Mexico and back to Colorado. I think I took maybe 5 to 10 pictures. I’d seen a lot of this before and I really wanted just to enjoy my friend seeing these things for the first time. I had decided that I didn’t care that much about photos, I just wanted to enjoy the trip as it happened.

As the father-in-law of a woman of this generation, I’ve come to appreciate how important it is for her to present well on Facebook. She has a lot of followers as she has a whole lot of friends (active in college sororities – nearly bankrupted having to spend money as a bridesmaid 18 times, an athlete at the University of Alabama, friends with fellow teachers, etc.). Her generation spent a lot of time just practicing selfies to see how they want to present; the angle to hold the head, the direction of the light, how many teeth to show with the smile, … As a result, there are a bunch of great pictures of my son’s family. Learning from her, I’ve done a selfie at an Atlanta Braves game. (And it really showed how little I’ve thought about how I look in a selfie. Ich.)
I am old school, thinking this behavior just as you said, that it makes everything all about them, disturbingly self-absorbed and rehearsed. That said, I would have a hard time believing that she would have the need to take a selfie at the stage with Ms. Lambert behind her. But I know that if polled, the majority of females her age would have no trouble with it.

I loved this backstage nostalgia fest! A couple of thoughts: 1) the on-call physician for a Tulsa clinic was for many years the senior (in both years and experience) doctor. Once mockingly refered to as the “geezer on-call”, the name stuck and is now the official title for their after-hours physician; and 2) I stiill use the word “dipswitch” to make fun of IT types with poor social skills.

Your usage of the word “dipswitch” is similar to an auto-mechanic’s usage of the word “dipstick” — except that has been expanded to include more than just cognitively-challenged auto-mechanics.

I’ve been telling trespassing school children to “Get off my lawn,” since my early 40’s. Curmudgeon is a lifestyle choice to which I’ve aspired for my entire adult life.

I will never forget the two German women who took a selfie, smiling, in front of the children’s prisoner pajamas at the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem.
It’s not just kids that are beyond inappropriate.

I thought that at first, but a “byte” is only two “bits” and people might infer that it refers to only two robot dogs. Fun stuff!

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