BW Member Blog

What is happening here?

“America is the source of most of the world’s ills: political, economic, and environmental.” A disturbing number of people agree. Jim Ross Lightfoot essentially asks “Say whut?” in an article today in Canada Free Press about the results of a recent Newsmax poll:

Whoa! What did he say? Yes, you heard it right, “America is the source of most of the world’s ills: political, economic, and environmental.”

The polling numbers are a clarion call that it is way past time to fight the liberal lie that has caused this to happen. For those of us that believe America is the greatest nation on Earth, and we want to keep it that way, we must all stand up against the insidious poison that is being fed to our children and impressionable people of all ages. The soldiers in this fight must be you. There is no one else.

It’s worth reading the whole thing.The numbers are much, much higher than I would have expected, even in the face of at least two full generations of indoctrination, and it’s not just the loons on the left side of the aisle who are saying this. Mr. Lightfoot makes the point that the sad and extremely mistaken attitude towards America is widespread and growing.

Republicans are generally viewed as being conservative and fight for family values. In actuality there are many problems within the ranks of the Republican Party. Key findings from the polling reveals that 89.5% of “liberal Republicans” AGREE that America is the source of most of the world’s ills: political, economic, and environmental. 63.7% of “moderate Republicans” also AGREE.

If the statistics coming from the poll are accurate, we have a lot of work to do.

4 replies on “What is happening here?”

Interestingly, I have European friends who believe the same things. They feel threatened by the Russians less than they do us. That is, Western Europeans. My acquaintances from the Baltic states, Ukraine, Romania, etc do not.

Wow, who are these people that think like this? Does nobody remember the 70s and 80s? Thanks for the link, I will read the whole thing tonight.

Folks born in the 80s don’t remember the 80s, let alone the 60s or 70s. The key fact to get here is true history is not taught, only a twisted version designed to turn students against America.

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