The battles continue to rage as people join sides in our increasing Cold Civil War. Joel Pollack reports this morning on Breitbart how Ty Cobb, former White House lawyer, believes that special counsel Robert Mueller, appointed to investigate possibilities of “Russian collaboration” by the Trump Campaign, is a “hero”:
Ty Cobb … said he considers the man leading the probe “an American hero” and does not share President Donald Trump’s view that the Russia inquiry is a politically motivated hoax.
Cobb [further] explained that he expected Mueller’s findings to show no evidence of wrongdoing by the president. In contrast, he said, Democrats’ efforts to investigate the president would continue regardless of the evidence: “It’s never going to be over,” he said.
Anyone who has followed Sundance’s excellent reporting over at the Treehouse (example here) knows there’s certainly more than one side to this argument.
Thomas Lifson, editor at American Thinker who has used his pages to expose what’s happened in Washington since Trump positioned himself as an improvised explosive device under its center, describes members of Congress who support the investigation as “the Beria Caucus”. He had this to say about those who are beginning to demand documents from anyone and everybody who might vaguely be associated with Donald Trump:
It would not be unfair to describe the three chairmen making the demands, Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff, Foreign Affairs Chairman Eliot Engel and Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings, as the founders of the Beria Caucus
As a result of this demand, the targets will be forced to hire pricey lawyers, and for those who are not wealthy, the burden can be financially disastrous. This is an old D game elevated to the level of scorched earth tactics. Anyone contemplating working for Donald Trump (or any future swamp-drainer) is on notice that financial ruin is in prospect once Democrats control either house of Congress.
Whichever side you come down on, the fact of the matter is that Donald Trump and the Make America Great Again brigades have polarized this nation to a degree probably not seen in well over a century.
Let us pray that we can keep the lid on this crisis and not let it turn into an actual hot civil war.