Compelling evidence from a well-researched documentary make a solid cause that the COVID-19 virus came from a Chinese lab. If so, then what?
Draw your own conclusions here.
The CoronaSphere Lounge Episode 21: Is the Wuhan Virus Man-Made?

5 replies on “The CoronaSphere Lounge Episode 21: Is the Wuhan Virus Man-Made?”
Is it just me or did Bill start tearing up there at the very end? Love this guy…. Keep up the good work you guys!!!
In fact, bats on sticks are available at the Wuhan wet market, just as all sorts of live animals are caged and ready for immediate slaughter at lots of Chinese wet markets.
The fact that 1) the Chinese population is desperate enough to consider bats as food, and 2) are steeped in “traditional medicine” to the degree that they choose weird animals and slaughter in such unsanitary conditions just demonstrates the failure of the tyrants who lead and rule the Chinese population.
We had read a report about research being conducted at Chapel Hill a number of years ago, before the government pulled funding. Bill’s arguments are compelling and the conclusions are something my wife and I concluded a number of days ago. I would like to take umbrage with Bill about how we can win this battle with China. Yes, not buying their products will definitely work, however, we have many in our national government that have shown themselves to be quite anti-American, as it pertains to understanding what a Republic is.
Our struggle needs to begin at home by taking our schools back so our children are no longer brainwashed by propaganda. We need to sell Americanism to …… Americans!
Rush Limbaugh stated it well years ago when he spoke of two different nations living on the same real estate. Has there ever been a time in our history where the divisiveness has been so clear? The Civil War doesn’t count.
I love my adopted country and have zero wish to return to the British Commonwealth in which I was born. I’m Red, White, and Blue and it angers me when I see our youth bad mouthing my Republic. A Republic I defended as a soldier.
I watched the Epoch Times video on the origin of the COVID-19 virus. It is slickly produced, and that is the problem with it. As a film editor, Bill knows an argument can be presented in such a way as to sway the viewer to a preferred point of view. Use the right camera techniques, superimpose images seemingly related to the story line, carefully edit interviews, omit opposing views, add ominous music, and play connect the dots. This particular documentary was not so much investigative journalism as it is a suspense movie. It is entirely possible that some, or all even all, of their suspicions are true, but little hard evidence is presented, only speculation by people who may or may not be qualified to speak on their respective subjects. I was hoping it would focus in detail on the issue of how the virus could develop both naturally and artificially, and how it works. It did not. If you want see how the virus works, Arvin Ash made a very good animated video that is posted on YouTube at
To my knowledge, no credible scientific argument has yet been presented that supports anything other than it being a natural occurrence. However, I don’t presume to know the true answer to this question, and it is the question we really need an answer to. The Epoch Times video does not adequately address this question, though it does raise some intriguing possibilities and concerns. The truth is still out there, somewhere. This video does not provide it, but it is worth watching.
I haven’t watched this particular documentary yet, but I reached the same conclusions several weeks ago after watching a youtube video by a biologist who was interpreting a blog (all of which, BTW, I learned about from another member’s comment here at–I think it was Wesley in Australia). The videos (he made a few of them) were by “JC on a bike” (he apparently makes them during his biking commute) and the blog was something like “Harvard to the big house.” (If you listen to JC’s videos bear in mind that he does make a few political comments which IMO are unsupported by evidence.)
One thing he discusses that I didn’t hear in Bill’s commentary (but might be in the documentary) is a claim that the lead Chinese researcher was working on this stuff–and publishing papers about it in English–at a lab in North Carolina before taking the research back to Wuhan less than a year ago. There are a lot of implications there that we need to think about and discuss frankly.
Anyway, the conclusion that the virus was a man-made construction of pieces of different naturally-occurring viruses (SARS, HIV, Covid) which was being studied in a lab (whether to find a cure for SARS or other diseases, or to construct a bio-weapon) and then accidentally got out, followed by a cover-up by the Chinese Communist Party, appears to be the only reasonable inference, even after taking into account Occam’s Razor. That sounds like a conspiracy theory because it includes the term “cover-up,” which makes me queasy. But when you get beyond the propaganda of the CCP, the WHO, and our own media and learn some actual facts that contradict that narrative, it’s hard to come up with an alternative narrative that doesn’t include a blatant attempt at a cover-up.