Right Angle

There’s Been a Murder…

… and it’s the most crippling blow to the United States of America in all of its history.

… and it’s the most crippling blow to the United States of America in all of its history.

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23 replies on “There’s Been a Murder…”

  1. Bill, instead of, “Police suspect foul play,” it’s, “Darnedest case of suicide I’ve ever seen!”
  2. Scott, I think that the term, “movement journalism” is quite accurate when bodily functions are kept in mind.
  3. Steve, Journalism didn’t refuse treatment. It was assassinated by an imposter which has masqueraded in the guise of journalism ever since.

Bill’s model is spot on. Our anti-immune system–‘a free press’ that has turned against us has a medical name. Look up Billious Phempagoid, a rare but significantly deadly condition when the Anti-Immune system DOES attack the body system. I know, I suffered a bout. Look it up and compare what is happening to American society. Pesticles all over the body…and all over society. That is what is happening to us. We spend our whole life attempting to prevent infection in each of the wounds it gives us. It doesn’t look good.

Pass – I hear he’s the one guy who makes Kruiser look like a tee totaler

They’ve nobody to blame but themselves. If a “journalist” from NPR, the NYT, WaPo, CNN, etc. approached me wanting my opinion on a topic my instant reaction would be to assume they are lookng for a way to distort my views and potentially dox my family. Whatever good there may have been in each of those organizations is long gone – they’re now just the PR team for The Radical Left that has openly declared their desire to destroy this country.

I think journalism itself has always been partisan. In Minnesota, there was the Minneapolis Star, and there was the St. Paul Tribune. The Star, at least, published and distributed both morning and afternoon editions across the state, and probably into Wisconsin and Iowa as well. The Star had a different slant on the news than did the Tribune. And there were a couple of other rags in the Twin Cities, and probably hundreds outstate. The Star and the Tribune merged to become a single paper, published once a day; there is no longer the diversity of opinion that was in that new entity.
The same dynamic holds across the country: how many local papers have been subsumed by the Gannett umbrella? How many truly independent newspapers still exist in this country? How many radio stations, TV stations have been gathered under various corporate umbrellas?

Gentlemen – G-d forbid I should say so but, y’all are being a bit naive.
Because it is your loving dog in this fight, you are placing today’s “journalism” on a different pedestal than yesterday’s journalism or than being a politician or movie star or any kind of personality.

The only difference between then and now is the number of people who view YOU as someone important.
So, yes – back in the day, print journalists were not viewed as important as, let’s say, movie stars.

But the formula is very simple. When 100,000 people look to you for your wisdom and opinions, you tend to view your wisdom and opinions as more important. When 1,000,000 people look to you…. When 10,000,000 people look to you, you become a celebrity AND you now depend on giving your audience that for which they admire you.

It first started with movie stars… then with politicians… then with media stars… advancing to today’s cholent pot of influencers; celebrities; politicians; pundits; Corporate Stars; criminals – whoever gains enough followers; enough likes; enough clicks…

We all live for glory; to be honored. But glory corrupts and absolute glory corrupts absolutely. The only decent or honest “journalists” or indeed any of the class of celebrities I mentioned are those who are aware of their own lust for glory and power and try to temper their desires with some kind of self control in search of a more truthful existence.
I see you all and Daily Wire, maybe some others, struggling with this but, it’s a fierce uphill battle. I’ve listened to Victory Davis Hansen and Dennis Prager (Rush was different category) far longer than most and, I see in them the absoluteness that their opinions and thoughts are the “correct” way of thinking more and more as the years roll by. That doesn’t mean that I don’t agree with them or admire their success tremendously, it is only that we are all susceptible to the trap into which nearly all Media today has been totally corrupted.

One of today’s cartoons encouraged commentary on this issue today. Don’t remember which one, but there were a lot of comments on “journalistic integrity,” most of them negative and/or questioning the concept or reality of “journalistic integrity.”

I have mentioned before that I have been watching Megyn Kelly’s podcast. Unencumbered by a Network and their guidelines, she has shown herself to be a very good journalist. She interviews people and asks good, tough questions. She has done a couple with Vivek R and with RFK jr. I left both interviews learning a lot about both men and not necessarily what they wanted me to learn.
There are others out there. Salena Zito pops to mind.
And, listening to Scott describe what had made Geraldo famous, it seems like James O’Keefe is keeping that thread alive.

Megyn Kelly and Russel Brand, kudos to them for bringing on variety of guests to interview with provoking and thoughtful questions.

Steve, when journalism refused treatment at a hospital, it had already decided to go to Dr. Jekyll’s lab and get their transfusion from the Frankenstein creature. It’s in the blood.

Epoch Times does a good “hold your feet to the fire”, but I think they are rarely mentioned. The Babylon Bee does an incredible job, but is a satire site, so there’s that. The Daily Wire shows promise, but is straight up opinion except for Morning Wire, which may be news.
Oh, and Judie Adey is right. Don’t mix up an auto-immune issue with an allergic response.

I don’t believe all journalism is dead, but definitely agree that most of it is as it should be. Mostly because it’s garbage propaganda in the first place. There are still some great journalists out there, but you have to search very hard for them.
Whitney Webb for example; hosts which is a great source of unbiased journalism.

One of the ways “journalists” get away with calling opinion news is by interviewing an expert that holds the proper opinions. That way, they say that it is news to report that this expert has this opinion. Opinion becomes news and, here we are.

All the important journalism outlets, and the news services that they all rely on, have been bought out and are under the control of a mere handful of the Globalist Elites and that evil cabal which has very specific agendas!!!

I was just about to post this comment when I saw you’d beaten me to it – well done, sir!

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