Right Angle

Transgender Activists Get Trolled, Seek Psychiatric Care

A recent online survey asking students about their sexual preferences returned a few “problematic” results.

A recent online survey asking students about their sexual preferences returned a few “problematic” results. Were they hateful? No. Threatening? Gosh, no. Irreverent and mocking? Yes! YES!! Irreverent and mocking!! They did not take it seriously! Get those ‘researchers’ to a trauma center, STAT!

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25 replies on “Transgender Activists Get Trolled, Seek Psychiatric Care”

I took some courses which required me to set up a Linked-In profile. Since I rarely looked at it, I was curious about any activity. Shortly after completing a full-ride scholarship MSM (I’m SO glad I paid nothing for that MSM), I was disgusted to be asked me for my pronoun preferences. I changed my L-I “About” section to read:

My master’s degree mainly taught me that I didn’t need a master’s degree. (Also. if you need me to tell you my pronouns, you need more help than I can give you. In the beginning, God made them male and female, in His image [Gen 1:27]. ALL else is from Satan. If this is even remotely “controversial” for you, then: A. You aren’t interested in me, B. Vice versa, and C. 2+2 eternally = 4, Mr. O’Brien.)

Since you brought up the topic of helicopters….
“The Mission of Marine Aviation” a poem by Col. F.G. McLenon
(edited by me)
Marine fighter pilots hurtle through their assigned airspace seeking out the enemy to destroy in aerial combat.
Marine attack pilots hurtle through their assigned airspace seeking out the enemy to destroy in air to ground attack.
Marine transport pilots flog around through their assigned airspace dragging their hoses, drinking whiskey, and playing pianos in houses of ill repute.
Marine helicopter pilots rotate through everyone’s airspace, beating the air into submission, delivering troops to engage the enemy, covering them with close air support, and rescuing those fighter and attack pilots who caught out the enemy, found them and didn’t get out of Dodge fast enough.
Don’t blame me. I just work here.

I got and filled out a “survey” today from Harvard. They send me a survey every year. It was so obviously biased I had to laugh. Questions like “Do you think Republicans are harder working than Democrats?” and “Do you think Republicans or Democrats are smarter?” were easy. The biased ones are really sneaky.

Questions like “Would you rather live in a community with a higher than average crime rate and a low percentage of black people or a community with a high percentage of black people with a lower than average crime rate?”

Yeah right, tell me where those things exist and I’ll give you an honest answer.

There were also questions about government control of free speech. Like “Would you rather have free speech protected even though that will result in a preponderance of false information or would you rather have true, reliable information?” Pick one.

They didn’t ask if I’d rather have free speech AND accurate information both. They didn’t ask if I would prefer to determine for myself what is and is not true. They didn’t say who would determine what is and is not true, the assumption being that only the government could make such a determination correctly. This was obviously slanted to get people to say they’d rather have their speech inhibited by government control.

It was a long survey but the questions were obviously slanted in favor of the Democrat Party.

Forgiveness of student debt is a simple matter. Let those to whom the debt is incurred forgive it. By that I mean that if debt is to be waived it’s the school where the debt was incurred that should waive it. They should either refund the money to the loaning institute or subsidize the loans themselves.

Let those professors and schools shoulder the result of the policy they advocate.

If they did that, all-of-a-sudden the only loans for school anyone would get is in fields that create a likelihood of paying off those loans.

Problem solved.

The best mockery, to me, is the type that doesn’t degenerate into cruelty. There’s a fine line between sneering condescension and humorous mockery. Sneering tells the other person that you think you’re very much above them and so much better than they are. Mockery pokes fun at self-importance and can also take on the form of self-deprecation. A wink and a smile, rather than a snide smirk. My dear grandfather was a master at it, and could laugh at himself as easily as poking fun at others.

Well, if we are going down this path, then I am going to identify as this baby. The F4U designation is just a bonus for the precious snowflakes.

All this, and not one mention of…..
BOATY McBOATFACE ! Bill, Steve…’re slippin….
If I got the survey, I’d respond that I identify as a ” Fully Armed and Operational IowaHawk!”

Another great right angle, guys!

Americans are known for being good at mockery, but the Brits – think Monty Python – made it an art form. The mockery in the big three Monty Python movies, “Holy Grail”, “Life of Brian”, and “The Meaning of Life”, is transcendent. In “Holy Grail” they even mocked the French mocking the British.

In the house I grew up in, (bless my parents for encouraging this, may they fly with angels evermore) sarcasm was High Art!
Seven kids at the dinner table, and if you couldn’t give as good as you got, you became the neon orange target of mockery for the entire meal!
The skills I learned in that crucible have served me well in my life.
Mockery is all those snowflakes deserve.
Long Live the Sarcastic Bastards!! Rally to me, my people!

I think I saw the Sarcastic Bastards open for ELO at MSG in the late 70s or early 80s.
My wife asked me the other day (we’ve been married 29 years) do you have to have a sarcastic response to everything?
Now, you tell me, is there a non-sarcastic response even possible to that question.
I thought she was going to stab me. But then she laughed.
I remind her that she knew me when she married me.

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