Bill Whittle Now

Trump Off 2020 Ballot: Democrats in 17 States Demand Tax Returns…or Else

Legislation in 17 states would remove President Donald Trump from the 2020 presidential election ballot if he doesn’t release his tax returns. Trump has said his IRS returns are perfectly legal and his finances excellent, so why shouldn’t the president just release the documents to make the issue go away, and to shut up the Democrats?

Legislation in 17 states would remove President Donald Trump from the 2020 presidential election ballot if he doesn’t release his tax returns. Trump has said his IRS returns are perfectly legal and his finances excellent, so why shouldn’t the president just release the documents to make the issue go away, and to shut up the Democrats? But if the Constitution has only two requirements for presidential eligibility — age and ‘natural born’ citizenship — can states really add another?

15 replies on “Trump Off 2020 Ballot: Democrats in 17 States Demand Tax Returns…or Else”

Scott: Your ability to play the Devil’s Advocate is truly amazing. If I hadn’t seen your true personality come through in the Backstage episodes, I could easily think that you actually believed what you were saying. But I have, so I know that you are just doing a great job of keeping Bill on his toes (and he’s been on his toes so much since BWN started recording that he could easily be a shoe-in at the LA Ballet). Please keep up the great work!

I thought that like Ted Cruz being born in Canada, it didn’t matter if BHO had been born in Kenya since his mother was an American citizen. I think BHO “played” people like Trump & Hannity who kept asking about the birth certificate. Please correct me if I’m wrong. Thanks folks! I also like the way Scott pushes Bill which helps to sharpen Bill’s argument.

I don’t care about the POTUS taxes before he becomes president, it’s none of anybody’s business and after all the crap the left has put him through since he started running for the POTUS, why should he?

The one thing the Democrats for sure don’t want is to compare their record with Trump’s record. That would be disaster! (for them)
Like cornered rats, the Democrats will say things and do things that are ever more insane. They will gnaw off their own legs to escape the trap. Barr’s legal terriers are closing in and the rats are frantic!
If I were Trump, I would tell them to forget their schemes and use the little time they have left to either hire some good lawyers or get used to staring between the bars of a prison cell.

And as for the news media, it’s not Breaking News, it’s Broken News.

Not only do I not care in the least what is in Trumps tax returns, I honestly believe that it would take a “Willing Suspension of Disbelief” to think there was anything the least bit out of ordinary in those returns.
My thinking:
Hillary was on deck for her turn at the Presidency, Barack Obama is President weaponizing the NSA, FBI, CIA, IRS, BLM, EPA etc etc against citizens and businesses. Both are doing everything they can imagine from creating and paying for fake dossiers to digging up porn stars and old voice recording of Trump sharing show-off talk with the boys.

If someone thinks for 1 minute that the army of weaponized IRS agents combing over Trumps tax returns AND the returns of all of his business that abnormalities would not have been leaked (anonymously of course) to the media, I think you are mistaken and I am not buying it.

A main trap, as I see it, is to discover which charities accept donations from Nazis like Trump and gin up a nation-wide boycott of groups having sympathies to right leaning causes.

No one seems to have mentioned- on this site or anywhere else- two things.
1. When they demand “Trump’s tax returns” do they mean only his 1040s or do they also want the returns of any entity that has affected his 1040s? That could be literally hundreds of returns.
2. Is anyone, other than a truly sharp accountant, able to understand his returns? legal, illegal, unethical, or spotlessly clean, whatever, the returns have to be incredibly complicated.

I don’t give a rat’s patootie about Trump’s taxes.

In the state of CA, this legislation came up when Brown was governor. He vetoed it as he didn’t want to turn over his tax records. Now we have Newsom who’s threatening to do it again. I’ve already sent a scathing message to him over the unconstitutionality of it. It’s just another ploy to cheat their way into winning.

I am so sincerely thrilled Scott is taking his role of provocateur so seriously; adding a tinge if condescension and blame to the responses.

Condescension and Blame are characterized in Gottman marriage counseling as two of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse (in a marriage). He also characterizes them as “toxins”. (I’m tempted to take the metaphor further, but will spare you!)

Bill’s responses are spectacularly correct, as Gottman would advise: The antidote and anti-toxins for these include Context; which Bill provides with logical aplomb.

Sincere Thank you, sirs! You are the best at what you do – saving the soul of this blessed nation – and getting better almost daily!

And the NYT just published what they say is his tax returns:

lol Trump’s argument was always that he could not release his tax returns because he was under a tax audit, which seems to be magically continuous, and its illegal in several states to release your tax records while under audit. Trump asked for an exemption from the relevant states and was refused.

It was always going to be a leak at a strategic moment. Boom. It also has a huge trap for the left. Trump has been planning to run for years and paid taxes accordingly.

A billionaire can treat ten million dollar year on year losses as an minor expense. Assuming of course he stays just over the magic big B number.

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