Judicial Watch indicates Illinois has close to 800,000 inactive registered voters, and the 2022 governor’s race in IL was won by just over 500K votes. Not saying that the republican, Darren Bailey, won but in every IL election the democrats usually get over 500K more votes than the republicans. I live in Illinois and the state is falling apart, has been for most of my 50+ years, and somehow we the people cannot muster enough votes beat the Chicago democrat fraud machine; and if you ask ANYONE in the state who works, they will tell you that the elections have been rigged here forever.
It’s sad because most people who cared have surrendered and moved away, leaving those of us who are still fighting to do it on our own, and you see what we are up against.
3 replies on “Why Illinois Has So Much Voter Fraud”
Thanks for making light of the situation, but some of us are stuck here (disabled veteran with a crap job going nowhere; stuck by lack of finances) to fight however we can, against these evil pieces of filth, and we cannot win. But keep the jokes coming, it’s always nice when people kick you when you’re down.
But, if not for the corrupt political machine that is Chicago, we never would have had the demi-God JFK, Nixon would have won on his first try, the Cuban missile crisis might have never happened, and Vietnam could have been avoided. So there!
“I see dead people……..voting…..”